"UTAMURIC provides the environment to nurture ideas, innovations and business startups. It is a one stop centre for researchers, innovators and business startups."

Almost all of the globally successful company formations including Apple, Yahoo, Google and Facebook were located in startup ecosystems in Silicon Valley, Boston, New York, Denver, Chicago, Austin, Seattle, Tel Aviv, Singapore, London and Berlin to mention but a few. Also, countries like India, China, Hong Kong and South Korea have set up entrepreneurship ecosystems that are producing some of the world’s billionaires. So, UTAMURIC is spearheading the nurturing of billionaires in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Access to a Startup Ecosystem

Through the UTAMURIC startup ecosystem, business startups registered with UTAMURIC  have access to great ideas, access to talent, access to capital, and access to customers. The key players in the startup ecosystem are entrepreneurs, mentors, investors, incubators, accelerators, research institutions, universities, companies/ private sector, associations/ events, government, and service providers.  Service providers include the lawyers, accountants, bankers, recruiters, agencies, advisors, and consultants.  UTAMURIC ensures that all the above are accessed from a one stop centre.

Access to an Innovation Ecosystem

For Innovators, the Innovation ecosystem comprises of entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, university faculty, venture capitalists as well as business development and other technical service providers such as accountants, designers, contract manufacturers and providers of skills training and professional development.  UTAMURIC ensures that all the above are accessed from a one stop centre.

Access to a Hub of Software Developers and other Certified Professionals

Software developers are an essential part of building products as their key role is transforming business ideas into working products and services. UTAMURIC is continuously building  a repository for software developers and their competencies, making their services easily reachable by our partners but also link them to companies in the western world. Developers registered with UTAMURIC have access to world-class opportunities, adding tremendous value to both local and international products. The repository  also contains other certified professionals in various disciplines to enable the global business process outsourcing (BPO) industry.

Access to Social Innovation Services

Social innovation is the process of developing and deploying effective solutions to challenging and often systemic social and environmental issues in support of social progress. Social innovation is not the prerogative or privilege of any organizational form or legal structure. Solutions often require the active collaboration of constituents across government, business, and the nonprofit world. UTAMURIC shall continue to spearhead and coordinate key social innovation initiatives.

Access to Mentors and Mentorship Networks

UTAMURIC ensures that researchers and innovators registered with UTAMURIC get mentorship from the UTAMURIC pool of mentors and from mentorship networks collaborating/ partnering with UTAMURIC.

Access to African Diaspora

UTAMURIC database contains information on African Diaspora wishing to work with researchers, innovators and business startups. Thus, UTAMURIC will ensure that researchers and innovators registered with UTAMURIC have access to African Diaspora in their areas of expertise/ interest.

Access to Capacity Building Programmes

UTAMURIC in collaboration with UTAMU and other partners shall continue to run tailor made capacity building programmes for researchers, innovators, business incubators and business startups registered with UTAMURIC. 

Access to Research, Innovation, Incubation and Business Startup Facilities

UTAMURIC has agreements with various research and innovation institutions to enable access to the research and innovation facilities that are not physically available at UTAMURIC by researchers and innovators registered with UTAMURIC. UTAMURIC will by October 2020 have incubation facilities setup at its headquarters in Kkungu, Matugga, Kyaddondo, Wakiso District, Uganda. Also, least 500 workspaces equipped with power terminals and internet will be in place by October 2020 for use by researchers, innovators, incubators and business startups at UTAMU campus in Kkungu, Matugga, Kyaddondo, Wakiso District. Also, more state of art advanced laboratories and workshops will be put in place in the near future for use by researchers, innovators, incubators and business startups registered with UTAMURIC. Researchers and innovators registered with UTAMURIC will be encouraged, though not mandatory to have partners who are full time faculty (researchers / innovators) at UTAMU.

Access to Liaison Offices of UTAMURIC Partners

The Directorate for Coordination and Management of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem within UTAMURIC will provide liaison offices and/ or work spaces to entrepreneurs including large corporations, investors, venture capitalists, business development experts, support organizations (like incubators, accelerators, co-working spaces etc.), other technical service providers such as accountants, designers, contract manufacturers. In recognition of the fact that social Innovation solutions to challenging and often systemic social and environmental issues require the active collaboration of constituents across government, business and the nonprofit world, liaison offices and/ or workspaces will be provided to social innovation actors such as Local Governments and Government departments dealing in areas such as commerce, industry, trade as they play an important role in the startup ecosystem. It will also provide liaison offices and/ or workspaces to Uganda’s scattered nascent innovation hubs registered with UTAMURIC.

Thus, all partners of UTAMURIC will be provided with spaces to establish liaison offices and/ or workspaces. This will enable researchers, innovators,  business startups and business incubators registered with UTAMURIC to have easy access to UTAMURIC Partners. Furthermore,  UTAMURIC database has key information including websites, emails, telephone contact for partners, mentors, researchers, innovators, business accelerators and business startups that provides a platform  for online communication and collaboration.  UTAMURIC  has put in place a platform that supports telecommuting and teleworking.

Access to Technical Support

UTAMURIC has put in place a technical support office to provide technical support to researchers, innovators, business incubators and business startups registered with UTAMURIC

Access to Library Resources and other Enabling Resources

UTAMURIC is building is a library of resources including business case studies, business reviews and other useful resources for access and use by researchers, innovators, business incubators and business startups registered with UTAMURIC.

Linkage with Governments

UTAMURIC will  continue to create linkages with strategic government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) across the region for the benefit of its registered partners, researchers, innovators, business accelerators and startups.

Access to a Media House Focusing on Education, Research, Innovation and Business Startups

UTAMURIC is in the process of setting up a media house focusing on airing news, talk shows, conferences, workshops, seminars and lecturers among others on education, research, innovation and business startups. All those registered with UTAMURIC will have access to this media house to promote their products and services. UTAMU in collaboration with UTAMURIC will provide capacity building trainings, conferences, workshops, seminars and lecturers via live broadcasts on the media house platform to the general public.