Martin Kaboine
Martin KaboineAg. Director of Finance, HR and Administration

For details see 

The directorate is responsible for finance, human resources and administration and operates under two departments, namely Department of Finance and administration   Department of Human Resources Management.

The department of finance and administration provides  financial direction supporting the overall administration of UTAMURIC. It delivers integrated support for the operations of Financial Administration in the key areas of finance and administration. It is responsible for accounts payable and financial reporting. This division is also responsible for coordinating internal and external audits. It coordinates the preparation of UTAMURIC’s Budget and Capital Improvement Programs, and provides financial planning and analysis support to other UTAMURIC directorates and management. 

The Department  of Human Resource Management leads the development, execution, and management of the human resources program to ensure that UTAMURIC builds and retains a highly skilled and diverse workforce to fulfil its mission and goal. It provides client oriented and efficient Human Resources Management (HRM) services, strategic and operational partnerships within the organization; and by providing an enabling working environment and best employment practices.

The Department of  Human Resources Management is responsible for:

  1. Designing and implementing effective HRM policies and systems to support UTAMURIC's business needs and to permit the effective management of UTAMURIC's workforce.
  2. Provide HRM advice on the development of workforce plans as well as the coordination and monitoring of their implementation. Ensure internal consistency and adequacy of organizational structures and job classification levels.
  3. Sourcing of talent to form a diverse talent pool to meet UTAMURIC's current and future needs for expertise and competencies, with due regard to geographical and gender diversity.
  4. Effective and timely management of staff contractual benefits and entitlements.
  5. Provide staff development services through varied and needs-based staff training and development programs.
  6. Develop and implement effective performance management systems which encourage and recognize excellence in performance.
  7. Provide a conducive work environment which meets the needs of staff and is supportive to work-life balance needs of a diverse workforce.